Is it safe to take LDN if you’re already taking methimazole? What can you do to normalize your TSI levels if you’ve already dialed in your diet and supplements? Should you try red light therapy for your thyroid?
In this Q&A episode, I’m answering questions from multiple community members. I love creating these episodes for you, and I’ll do similar episodes every couple of months, so please share your questions with me by emailing I can't answer all questions, but I'll try my best to include the ones that will be relevant to the most listeners.
Enjoy the episode!
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Is it safe to take LDN if you’re already taking methimazole? What can you do to normalize your TSI levels if you’ve already dialed in your diet and supplements? Should you try red light therapy for your thyroid?
In this Q&A episode, I’m answering questions from multiple community members. I love creating these episodes for you, and I’ll do similar episodes every couple of months, so please share your questions with me by emailing I can't answer all questions, but I'll try my best to include the ones that will be relevant to the most listeners.
Enjoy the episode!
To learn more, visit the show notes at
Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?
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Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at
To work with Dr. Eric, visit