Save My Thyroid: Healing Tips for Hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's

Bone Density Concerns and Thyroid Health

Dr. Eric Osansky

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect the health of the bones, which is yet another reason why it's crucial to balance the thyroid hormones. While I’m not a big fan of radiation exposure from scanning, there is a time and place where I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

Today, I’m sharing why DEXA scans are done and when I consider them worth it. In this episode, you’ll learn about:

- How hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect bone health
- The importance of balancing thyroid hormones to maintain bone density and quality
- Understanding DEXA scans and their significance in assessing bone density
- Blood tests and markers for bone health
- When to consider getting a bone density test

As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

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