Save My Thyroid: Healing Tips for Hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's

Your Thyroid Questions Answered Part 1

Dr. Eric Osansky DC, IFMCP

Are there any natural treatments to shrink a goiter? What will shrink thyroid nodules? When is a biopsy needed for a thyroid nodule? What do I need to know about thyroid antibodies? How does menopause impact thyroid health? Does iodine play a role in the development of Graves' disease? What is the best way to reduce thyroid antibodies?

Today, I’m back with another Q&A episode, answering multiple questions submitted by the Save My Thyroid community. While I can’t get to everyone’s questions every time, I love creating these for you, and I’ll do similar episodes every couple of months. You can also check out my YouTube Channel at for more answers to your questions. Please share your questions with me by emailing, and I'll include the most relevant ones in upcoming episodes.

In this episode, I'm answering:

  • Q1: Are there any ways to shrink a goiter? What is the natural treatment for goiter?
  • Q2: Can the radiation used in various medical procedures, such as CT scans, affect existing thyroid nodules?
  • Q3: I'm interested in knowing about bile and transforming T4 to T3. My doctor suspects my bile isn't doing its job.
  • Q4: If someone reacts to iodine, such as iodized salt or seaweed, is it likely that they will always have the same reaction?
  • Q5: What will shrink thyroid nodules?
  • Q6: I'd like to understand what my bloodwork is telling me. Is there a reference that explains more than the optimal ranges?
  • Q7: Is it possible that my adrenal glands may be the root cause of my condition?
  • Q8: Can the Epstein-Barr virus cause thyroid conditions?
  • Q9: I would appreciate it if you could dive into an easy-to-understand for the nonmedical professional discussion about the different antibodies.
  • Q10: If the TSH is high, why did the doctor increase the levothyroxine dosage? What would cause it to spike if I'm taking the meds every day?
  • Q11: Why doesn't any thyroid medicine I take work? It always starts out good, and then it doesn't.
  • Q12: When thyroid nodules are found by ultrasound, what is your opinion on having a biopsy performed on the nodule?
  • Q13: I don't eat red meat. Instead, I eat liver once every two weeks. As someone with Graves’, can I eat liver?
  • Q14: I have discovered that I have antibodies for both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease. I've had Graves’ on and off for 30 years. Currently, my T3 and T4 are in the normal range, but my reverse T3 is at the high end of normal. I believe that I have symptoms of Hashimoto’s. Do I treat for that?
  • Q15: What can I do if I cannot afford your program? I am looking for a way to reverse Graves’ disease naturally, but I don't know where to start.
  • And more.

As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

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